
Analyst Bugajski: I’m afraid of Putin’s provocation in Bosnia


Prominent American analyst and expert on the Balkans, Janusz Bugajski, told N1 he believes that the latest developments in the United States, in connection with the agreements reached between Kosovo and Serbia, are the product of the American President’s desire to use them for his own benefit. Bugajski also believes that economic and political recognition between Serbia and Belgrade must be interlinked.

Speaking about the situation in Bosnia, he said he feared a possible Putin provocation. It could be a provocation, he noted, at a time when Putin wants to distract NATO and the EU from the problem in the Western Balkans in order to do something else, regardless of whether it is Ukraine, Belarus or somewhere else. This is the worst-case scenario Bugajski said he could imagine.

In his opinion, Bosnia is not ready for the consequences of such events and everyone is used to not doing their job, not moving towards the EU and enjoying the status quo. It gives them a sense of stability, but he does not believe such stability would last long.

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