Categories: Novosti

Dodik writes to German FM: RS entity fighting for BiH’s external sovereignty

Milorad Dodik, the Bosnian Serb Presidency member said in a letter to Heiko Maas, the German Foreign Minister, he did not try to “establish the facts about the causes and nature of the political crisis in BiH, which was his obligation,” but that he “formed his views on the basis of rumours, which makes his public appearances ridiculous.”

“Dear Minister, by interpreting the misinformation, you are doing injustice to the Republika Srpska. You are also inflicting injustice on your own country, which, as few in the world, has ways had the means to learn about the facts in BiH and the current political crisis,” Dodik wrote.

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According to him, “the crisis is the result of the fact that the Constitution of BiH has not been respected for a full 26 years and that such unconstitutional behaviour has brought BiH to a standstill. Imagine that only one day someone tries not to respect the constitution of Germany!?”, Dodik asked.

He noted that the Serb-dominated Republika Srpska (RS) entity has been advocating for peace in all previous years, because the war from the 1990s cost so much that it could not afford new conflicts.

“We are fighting for the territorial integrity of BiH and its external sovereignty, as it was written in the Constitution of BiH, ie Annex 4 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and we are doing absolutely nothing that is not prescribed by the highest legal act in BiH,” the Serb Presidency member stressed.

He called on Maas to act and speak more carefully about Serbs and the RS, because the history of their relations, as well as the position he currently holds, obliges him to be more careful.


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